Prepare for a Metal Roof Installation

Metal roofs are gaining in their popularity among homeowners and business owners alike — myths have already been debunked that metal roofing is substantially louder than traditional roofing options (like asphalt) and the pros of a metal roof far outweigh the cons. If you’re one of the ones who are making the switch, it’s an exciting time — you’ll love the look and the economic benefits a new metal roof installation provides.

So what is there to know about a metal roof installation? Can you install metal roofing yourself or should a professional roofer handle it? We’re personally a big fan of working with roofing professionals in Maryland for all metal roofing services. Professional roofing contractors have access to high-quality materials, already have the best tools on hand and ready to go, bring with them years of experience that allows for a fast install, and they can also often offer financial payment options or warranties.

With all that in mind, here’s what to do know when planning ahead for your metal roofing installation in Maryland.

Make Sure Roofers Can Measure Your Roof Accurarely for All Metal Roofing Services

metal roofing installations in marylandOne of the biggest differences between metal roofing and asphalt shingles is how the roofing materials are prepared — shingles come in a standard size and are applied to the roof, like tiles on a floor. Metal roofing is more similar to carpeting, however, because the area needs to be measured to get the right cut for a proper fit.

While there are metal roofing panels, the accuracy of measuring a roof for a metal roof installation is critical to a timely and accurate outcome. When talking to the roofers, make sure you mention any skylights, chimneys, or other oddities about your roof so they know what to look for and what to consider when preparing for the installation day. If they come out for a free estimate, make sure the roof is accessible, clear of debris (if say for you to do so), and the weather allows for an accurate measurement.

Mention All Areas Where Flashing Will Be Needed

metal roof install with flashing and edging over chimney Metal roofing is weakest at the point where it is fastened to other metal sheeting panels or where it is connected to flashing. You want to make sure the roofers you work with are aware of all the areas where flashing will be needed to help complete a secure, dry seal that can handle any unpredictable weather. You don’t want the roofers having to come back later to complete the job or risking metal roof repairs because the flashing didn’t seem needed at the time.

Point out chimney areas, steep slopes, multiple roofing areas connecting together, or other areas that break up the clean line of the roof. You can also ask your roofers what they’ve done to ensure the flashing it fastened securely to feel confident handling the bad weather.

Do a Roof Inspection to Check for Roof Repairs

new metal roof installed over old roofA big perk of metal roofing is that it can be installed over old roofing (where codes allowed). This can make homeowners and business owners breathe a sigh of relief because then you don’t have to pay for the labor of removing old the roof. This doesn’t mean you can ignore your old roof entirely, however, when moving ahead with metal roofing services instead.

Make sure you inform the roofers of any current roof damage you have. Don’t assume that the new metal roof installation will suddenly take care of leaks, mold, or other issues. Have the metal roofing crew do an inspection before installation day, so you’re not having a new roof go on just to remove it to fix a previous issue that gets worse later on.

Protect Gutters with Edging Metal Roof Services

new metal roof install serviceOne aspect of metal roofing is that it requires edging at the end of your roof. This is yet another place where flashing is needed to ensure a leak-proof seal. Edging will allow bent plates to wrap around the ends of the roof, giving the best protection against moisture and other issues. Edging installation needs to be done carefully if existing gutters are already installed.

Let the roofing company you’re working with know about the status of your gutters — if you’ll be getting new ones, if they need to take the current ones into consideration, and even if you want all of it done at once so it has a cohesive look. This ensures the professional roofers have all the tools they need on installation day.

You Still Need to Plan for Venting with Metal Roofing Services

Metal roofing is similar to more traditional roofing in that you still need to plan for venting when installing the new roof. Venting keeps your attic from trapping too much heat and becoming a furnace, plus it can help sustain the integrity of the health of your roof. This is one reason why we recommend working with professionals experienced with metal roofing services and repairs — they can safely install the roof vent without compromising the roof.

Discuss with your roofers where the best location for the vents is on your roof. They can help ensure it’s in an area that will work well to keep your home ventilated.

You’ll Want to Save Up for Any Metal Roofing Repairs or Installations

solar panels with metal roof installation for businessesGetting a free estimate on a metal roofing quote is a good idea to start off this process because metal roofing is more expensive than asphalt roofing. While it’s nice to work with a roofing company that offers payment plans, financing options, and can even offer warranties for metal roofing repairs, having some money set aside for the metal roof installation is a good idea.

Once you have a decent amount set aside and you’ve worked with a trustworthy roofing company to get estimate details, you’ll feel much more confident moving forward with the installation and can enjoy your new metal roof stress-free.

Get Ready for Better Energy Efficiency and Street Appeal

The hard part is done! You’ve saved up, gotten the estimate, and hopefully, the new roof installation is underway. Now, you get to reap the benefits a metal roof provides. You should start to see better energy savings within a few months of your new metal roof, which can be a lifesaver when it comes to heating and cooling bills.

If you’re thinking of selling your property or if you just enjoy estimating the value of your home, a new metal roof will definitely give your home better value and curb appeal. Metal roofs are stylish and attractive, so they’re a big win for any homeowner in Maryland, especially since they handle snow like a champ.

Metal roofing Maryland is certainly the way to go when considering a roof replacement and these tips will hopefully help you have an efficient estimate meeting, save up properly, evaluate the work, and allow yourself to enjoy your new roof.